Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Welcome Back to The Real World

Have you ever slip into your own imagination?

Most of the time, you imagine yourself in different situation and make everything as realistic as possible. You would imagine all the good things that you want to happen to you.

You do that because you want to believe that you can achieve what you want. You will be able to achieve what you dream. You have hope, you dream and you believe in it. And then the dream will come true.

But sometimes you can't help it when a little nudge of reality slips in the way of your imagination. See, in this case you're not being truly pessimistic about anything but you consider other alternatives. Being a realist, you would consider all the possible alternative, good or bad.

And then you just realise that the negative things that you imagine might come true. No, you don't want it to be true. But you acknowledge the chance of those happening.

Then your imagination just slips away because you don't want anything ruin your so called "perfect world".

Welcome back to the real world.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Summer Trend 2k13: Masks (Singapore Haze)

So, I am home! 

But then I wasted my first week home by sleeping and staying inside because I couldn't go outside at all these past few days. 

If you have been watching or reading the news, you know that Singapore has been hazed for a week (not just on Tuesdays). It's been pretty bad, this afternoon the pollutant standard index went up to over 400. The sky has been looking like this: (can you see anything?)

But then once in a while, you need to come out of the house and buy supplies. So I did go out for like an hour or something. But then again you need to protect yourself, right? So mask-time, it is.

Yep, a lot of people were wearing one which is really really good because I feel less weird. So, yeah, that's my first week of break back home having fun in haze. Whoop whoop! Other great things would be that I've been eating healthy food, home-cooked, delicious food outside for cheap price, eating lots of snacks (I love food what can I say). I've also been cuddlin a lot with my ukulele and my guitar which is the best. Also been watching Daria (my favorite girl of all time)

Hope you guys have fun in your summer or winter!

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Bits and Pieces

Hey hey lovelies!

I've been very busy procrastinating lately and just feeling overly tired all the time. I'm going to have my exam soon and they freak me out. On the other hand, I'm just very very lazy and I don't get the incentive (see what I did there?) to study at all, I have no idea why :( 

Thought I will share bits and pieces about my days for you guys!

First up, I am a huge fan of Nutella and I eat pretty much everything with it. And, I love bread which makes the best combination with Nutella. Since I am a college kid, I don't have the time and money to do fancy meals (or to cook at all) especially for breakfast. Moreover, it is really hard for me to eat fruit because I always forgot...

Fortunately, I came up with the idea of eating fruit with my breakfast...and I started making my own banana-and-nutella-sandwich! Nothing fancy or new here but holy moley it tastes heavenly! Also, it does not make you hate yourself because even though you eat sugary nutella, you also eat banana/fruit which is really good for your body! You can also use wholemeal/wholegrain/high-fibre bread to make you feel better of yourself :D

I've also been busy with rehearsals (which is one of the greatest thing that happened to me this semester :D) on weekdays at night and on weekends. Last week, CBR decided to cry water and fog everywhere. It was really really gloomy and wet. And... I fell down my bike too (no fun D:)

But later that day, I was walking through campus cutting roads to get to one side from another and came across this gorgeous view. Look at this! It may look gloomy but isn't this so pretty? This is one of the reason why I fell in love.

That is all I have for you all today! I hope you have a lovely month and holiday! Happy summer for my northern hemisphere loves and happy winter for all my southern hemisphere loves!

Wish me luck for my exams!
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