Saturday, December 28, 2013

What (Best) Friends Are For

To be honest, all along this year I was a wreck. Call me whatever but I just had what you people call a heartbreak for the first time. Almost everyday of this year my heart is very heavy and I could feel it weighing down in my chest. It doesn't matter how hard I sing and dance or how loud I laugh with my friends, I could feel it holding my chest down.

I'm home now and I just spent almost one whole day with my loveliest chummies. I have not seen them in a almost a year and I was literally dreading to meet them this holiday.

See, I'm not that good of a friend, I suppose. I really am not good at all the catching up with friends thing. Not that I don't like them or anything, I love my friends but sometimes I leave things that I do in the middle of things happening around me, I really don't know how to explain it. I'm just not good at that.

That, and me being an introvert, I don't really share things with my friends that I'm not close to. My two chums might be the only friends that know almost every little detail about me. Also, they're the only two friends that can tell how I would react to things. And this holiday, is the ultimate of them all.

Remember how I said I was fighting to heal myself from eternal heartbreak? That one day I spent with them heal it in an instant. A proof that best friends (or any shoulder to lean on) will heal you from heart break and to love them is like the best thing ever.

A day before we meet, one of my chummy texted me. She told me that she'd been talking to a guy that broke her heart. I told her in an instant that I did too. We literally were going through the same flipping thing!

The next day, we arrived at our best camp a.k.a my chum's house. The first thing that came out of her mouth? "Why is xxx keep liking your pictures on Instagram? What is wrong with him?" At that second, I know that I'm home.

We spent the whole day talking, telling stories, making up metaphors about wind, and every five minutes I wanted to borrow knives or scissors (jokez guys). Each and every minute, I feel my weight is being lift up and the hole in my heart is slowly but surely closing itself. I laugh again, this time for real.

By the end of the day, I feel like everything has gone and my life is up for a new start.
And, I thank God for this two loveliest chummies that has been in my life since I was 4 years old.

Whether it's 3cm or 3000km apart, they are and will always be right there. They never treat me any differently or even left me out of anything in each other's lives. You will always be my healer. I hope we will always grow old together and support each other. I love you guys!

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Monday, December 23, 2013

Resolusi Tahun Baru

Sebentar lagi udah Natal dan beberapa hari setelah itu datanglah tahun baru. Sesuai dengan norma-normanya orang Indonesia, kalo tahun baru datanglah semua resolusi resolusi tahun baru bertebaran di social media. Entah Facebook, Twitter atau si socmed satu yang cuman diisi orang Indonesia, Path, pasti ada aja orang yang mempublikasi resolusi taun baru mereka. 

Kalau diperhatiin agak seksama dikiit, sebenernya resolusi taun baru orang-orang tuh ya itu-itu aja gak jauh-jauh. Gak pandang umur, dari yang udah kuliah sampe yang anak SD kebelet gaul (ya lagian masa anak SD udah pake socmed?) “wish”nya ya pasti sekitar ini-ini aja

Mohon diingat, karna gue cewek jadi ini resolusi yang umum untuk cewek yah. Kayaknya sih cowok-cowok resolusinya segaris lah sama ini. Bagus juga sih, semaking banyak yang mengharapkan hal yang sama berarti semakin banyak jiwa-jiwa yang akan bersatu di tahun yang akan datang (eitss)

1. Tambah Sukses
Mau dikomentarin apa juga ujung-ujungnya balik lagi kan, siapa sih yang gamau tambah sukses? Gue juga mau kalo ini mah. Intinya, semoga kita semua bisa sukses di tahun yang baru. Amin...

2. Dapet Jodoh
Kenapa semua orang ngebet pacaran? Pertanyaan kaya gini selalu seliweran setiap berapa bulan sekali. Apalagi kalo bulan itu lagi keseringan buka twitter. Hadeuh. Ya udah lah situ mau punya pacar, ngetweet pengen punya pacar atau nggak betah single juga gabakal bikin orang tertarik kan? Apalagi kalo ngetweetnya berkali-kali dalam sebulan. Orang yang baca gerah juga kali. Bukannya keliatan menarik malah desperate. 

Lagian kalo emang belom siap punya pacar nggak perlu lah ngoyo sendiri (jawanya keluar). Nggak perlu lah nyari sampe ngebet banget gitu kalo emang mentally belom siap untuk berbagi sama orang lain. Mendingan introspeksi diri dulu daripada nyakitin orang lain dan diri sendiri kan?

Tapi kalo emang udah siap lahir batin untuk dipertemukan dengan jodoh yang kau mau, semoga jodohnya datang tepat waktu dan langgeng selalu. Amin

3. Makin Kurus
Ini nih wish yang paling bikin gue gedeg nggak karuan. Orang kita terobsesi untuk kurus. Masalahnya, obsesi untuk sehat lebih kecil daripada obsesi untuk kurus. Gue nggak ada masalah sama sekali dengan orang kurus (ataupun nggak kurus, suka-suka orangnya lah yang penting dia happy). Tapiii, karena obsesi kurus > obsesi sehat jadinya mereka kurus dengan cara yang nggak sehat. 

Temen-temen gue banyak yang diet terus kurus. Trus balik makan lagi, terus beratnya balik lagi ke “gendut” (padahal nggak gendut sama sekali). Trus ngeluh. Padahal kalo diliat lagi kan udah jelas banget. Situ kurus karena gak makan, kalo kurusnya karna ga makan begitu makan lagi ya langsung balik lah beratnya.

Jadi, seharusnya resolusinya lebih baik menjadi semakin sehat ya kita semua di 2014. Amin.. (bukan cuma asal semakin kurus)

Sekianlah keluh kesah gue tentang resolusi tahun baru paling standardnya orang Indonesia raya merdeka merdeka. Jangan kira gue sok-sok-an atau ngeselin dulu gara-gara baca ini, wish nomer satu sama dua resolusi gue juga kok hahaha.

Resolusi tahun baru lo apa?

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Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Frankie's Guide To Get Things Done

Whello blovers!

I'm on my summer holiday right now. Thankfully, I'm pass that point where you can't go to sleep and stay awake every night and day thinking about your result. My result is soo average this semester. Honestly, I'm disappointed with myself but at the same time felt grateful.

This semester is absolute fuckery for me. Everything got harder. Macroeconomics is still a blur for me until today, ICL (an intro to law module) is overwhelming, I mean I like writing but not that kind of writing... And as my defence mechanism, I left everything to the last flipping minute and hope for the best. Thank God, I still pass everything.

I mean, everyone who goes to my uni kind of know that it is harddd to get the top band but it is not impossible (in my faculty, at least). So, I believe I could've done better but it was in the past so I'm giving myself a chance to move on, for the better hopefully.

And now, while I reflect to myself and making this as my goal for next year, I'll share tips to hopefully improve things and shizzles for school and uni:

1. Do not study anywhere in your room. Why? You might have the seclusion and the comfort but all these are traps! I've been doing this for a year and it didn't work. It's mostly because I know I have all things to entertain myself in my room. Entertainment vs. study? Well, unconsciously, you will end up choosing entertainment.

2. Go away from your dorm/house to study. Library is a good place. Some of the reason is/are: no access to food (the first thing I look for), no access to talk to people (because everyone else is doing the same thing), everyone else is doing the same thing so you're not out of place. And you know that little box cubicle thing? Those things are miracle worker for me! I know it sounds weird but it is. It restrict my view and my space so it makes me more efficient ;)

3. Eat before you do things. Do not do things while eating or having snack. I mean, I love to eat. I eat all the time if the circumstances is helping me to do it. It's a distraction, that's all there is to it.

4. Making plans is good, actually sticking to them is better.
I love love love to plan out my day from waking up to going back to sleep. But, the chance of me actually doing the things I wrote is very very slim. This needs to change, tbh.

5. Your social media network can wait. Hell, nobody talks to you on social media. Just kidding! In all seriousness though, they can wait. You don't have to refresh Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr and your email every 5 minutes. If you don't check it every 5 minutes, it will still be there so don't worry!

6. Other things like the show that you're trying to finish can wait too!

7. Get away from phone and put it on silent. It doesn't matter if you miss phone calls. It's not like you pick them up ever anyway. (I'm not mean guys! I have this weird phobia of picking up phone calls because of a thing I can't tell you :P)

8. Actually start doing shit!

So, there you go everyone (including myself). Do all steps, read and write every word like it's the best thing that came out of you ever! Don't forget to comment below and share your tips to get things done :)

happy holidays

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