Friday, November 30, 2012

MRT Artwork!

Since it's winter in the northern hemisphere, now is the rainy season of tropical countries. So it has been raining a lot this whole month in Singapore and Indonesia.

Usually, rainy season is also the season of sickness because it's damp, cold, but sometimes it's still hot and it's changing throughout the season. The most common thing to catch is a cold, and flu which is pretty much the same thing. Both of those start with...

Sneezes. And, apparently it caught the attention of the government too!

They've started to put artworks in MRT trains to raise awareness about using tissue, handkerchief or covering your own mouth when you sneeze. *yay*

*Look! Germs! It's from your hand when you sneeze! To the handrail! TO OTHER PEOPLE'S HAND!*

Pretty cute, eh? It's cool to have colors and pictures in the train (since the last time I saw after IKEA was about depression -_-)

That's it for now, I'll try and search for some other artwork when I found one! :)

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Sunday Morning, No Rain Was Falling

Hi! So, I don't know, I think I'll do like OOTD or something? No, this is not like a proper OOTD, because I know nothing about fashion! I'm just gonna put a pic of myself that I took on Sunday, pathetically, in a small road on this view mirror. Don't judge me guys, please don't :P

Yeah, my body is pretty distorted ahahahahaha but whatever so, I was wearing:

  • Blue Shirt (it actually has white vertical stripes that you can't see)
  • Dark Blue (almost grey) skinny jeans with washed out effect along the thighs and knees that I've had for 6 years-ish :)
  • Pair of black wedges (short heels)
  • And I'm holding a wallet from my sister, Pamela.
That's it guys for now, see you when I see you! 

*I'm sorry I'm not putting down the shops where I got the items from because I don't want to*

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Reasons to Live (Pt. 1?)

1. Rainy season or just rain in general (especially if you live in tropical climate)
2. Sunshine!
3. Beautiful beaches, walking in the sand barefoot and feeling the sand and water..
4. Swimming pool or jacuzzi
5. Snow!
6. The color of autumn leaves
7. Being able to drink water when you're tired and very thirsty
8. Internet!! and all the magic in it :D
9. Parks
10. Reservoirs or any non-contaminated places

11. Music, music, music
12. New music from your favorite artist
13. Seeing your favorite band making new records after years of hiatus
14. Hearing/finding the right song at the right time
15. Being able to know the title of the song you heard once on the radio after years of effort in trying
16. Hearing the song that you want to hear in the radio without requesting to the radio dj
18. Being able to meet people who love your favorite bands/artists as much as you do
19. Great TV series or movies
20. and its fandom!

21. Learning new things, no matter how simple it is
22. Making people smile, whatever you do
23. Having a quality time with yourself
24. Family!
25. Your best friends
26. Meeting new people
27. The smell of new books
28. Great books or a sequel of the book that you've waited for so long
29. Hugs, especially when you really need one
30. Sleep time or nap time

31. Being able to sing your heart out in the shower (or anywhere really)
32. Dancing around as silly as you can
33. Doing weird stuffs with your friends
34. FOOD!!!
35. MORE FOOD!!!
36. The warm fuzzy feeling when you drink hot tea/chocolate/coffee when it's cold
37. The brain freeze or cold and tingly feeling when you drink cold drinks when it's hot
38. Theme parks
39. Cartoons (and watching those that you've watched when you were a kid)
40. Laughing until you cry and smiles

(to be continued...)

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Otaknya Lagi Berisik (Pt. 1?)

"Karena 'sekarang, selalu, dan sepanjang segala abad' sejatinya hanyalah ada dalam doa."
Berat, saudara-saudaraku. Hahahaha. Entah gimana ceritanya, waktu malem-malem lagi naik bis umum pulang kerumah, kalimat ini melintas sedemikian rupa di otak gue. Mungkin karena belakangan ini, orang-orang di sekeliling gue agak lebih sering bilang kalau mereka capek, entah batin atau fisik. Kebawa suasananya juga pada akhirnya, pikiran pun mulai pesimis-pesimis sedikit.

Apa sih di bumi ini yang abadi? Harta benda bisa berubah - bertambah, berkurang, bahkan hilang dalam sekejap mata karena banyak hal yang mungkin terjadi. Kesempurnaan fisik bisa diubah-ubah dengan kecanggihan teknologi zaman sekarang.

Nama dan prestasi... Mungkin bisa bertahan sangat lama, tapi ada dua kemungkinan. Antara ada yang pada akhirnya mengalahkan prestasi yang sudah tercatat atau memang orang-orang tidak pernah peduli untuk mengingat.

Pengetahuan? Bisa dibilang sih cukup abadi. Contohnya, tulisan-tulisan Plato masih dicetak, diterbitkan dan dibaca oleh banyak orang di tahun 2012 ini. Tapi pemikiran manusia berkembang, konsep-konsep akan selalu dipertanyakan dan besar kemungkinan konsepnya berubah. Kalau pengetahuan yang kita punya, bisa aja kan tiba-tiba hilang kalau kena penyakit? *amit-amit lari cari kayu buat diketok-ketok*

Sempet gue tanya sama temen waktu ngobrol. Karena kita cuma nyebutin hal-hal yang ngasal, ujung-ujungnya ada juga yang bilang hal yang satu ini - perasaan. Entah gimana ceritanya. Hahahaha. Begitu kita denger, langsung diem mendadak. Lalu, tawa-tawa bermuntahan dari semuanya. Memang terdengar klise (alasan kenapa harus dilanjut dengan tawa), tapi yang ini mirip dengan pengetahuan, bisa dibilang sih cukup abadi.

Tapi, ya itu tadi... Ujung-ujungnya semua hal itu penuh ketergantungan. Ada yang hartanya abadi, ada yang cuma sekedip mata. Ada yang cantik tampannya abadi, ada yang diubah-ubah. Ada yang pemikiran, prestasi dan pengetahuannya dikenang lama, ada yang sebentar. Ada yang perasaannya selalu sama, ada yang setiap detik berubah.

Terus, terus, apa iya kalau kejadian 'sekarang, selalu, dan sepanjang segala abad' berarti selama itu semuanya selalu bahagia? Hidup ada dua sisi, kan? Tapi orang kan maunya bahagia terus? Jadi, gimana? *tarik nafas*

Tadinya sih masih mau bahas banyak. Tapi masih kecil ah, takut. *indecisive-pisces-quality kicks in*

Ada yang kepikiran skenario 'sekarang, selalu, dan sepanjang segala abad' yang beneran kejadian?
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