Friday, October 19, 2012

Slogtember 30 - Last Slog

And here we are, the last of Slogtember!

I know it's already the middle of October and it's coming to an end (for October) and Slogtember is supposed to be project in September. But I'm currently at home now and I have no internet connection at home since the only usb modem doesn't work on my laptop, only on my laptop, magically. SO I couldn't finish this on time. And I'm really sorry about that. :(

Other than that, though, I hope if you're reading this you've been enjoying my randomness in September and if you read any of the post you can comment on it, or do whatever you want :) I'm enjoying this experience and I hope you do, too.

If you're wondering how in the world I can write a blogpost now if I said I have no internet connection.... I'm in a coffee shop, everyone's favorite. I drag my mom too since I can't go there alone. Just to finish this. Look at my determination guys! :P

So, see you in another blogpost! Enjoy life! :D

*last but not least my creepy face*

Slogtember 29 - Diamond vs. Uranium 235

Pernah digombalin? Pernah digombalin dengan dibilang, "You are one in a million" atau "You're precious/rare as a diamond"?

Pernah digombalin begitu terus ngerasa seneng atau bangga?

This post is directed to girls and girls only.

If someone has ever said to you something like I have illustrated above. Please, please, don't be so happy. I'm not saying you cannot be happy, ever. But don't be too happy, don'e be overjoyed.

Why? First, let's talk about "You are one in a million". There are 6,973,738,433 people in this world. Say what, almost 7 billion people in this one small world. If you are one in a million, there are approximately another 7 thousand people who are just like you in almost every single bit. Do you want that? No... So be one person in almost the 7 billion people in this world because you are who you are, and no one in this whole wide world can be you better than you are.

Second, if someone has ever said to you, "You are as rare as a diamond", that person obviously never go out and pass a jewelry store. I'm sorry but diamonds are not rare. You can go in to any jewelry store in this world and find at least one piece of jewelry with diamond on it. So no, women are not rare as a diamond.

If they say "precious"? Well, they're close but no. Yes, diamonds are expensive indeed. But which kind of diamonds? Different types of diamond depending on where they come from has different price for them too.

Maybe if they say, "You are precious/rare as uranium 235", we should feel pretty good or something. Since uranium 235 is indeed rare. It's not easy to find that isotope. Precious? Of course. It is rare therefore it is precious (read: expensive too). It is powerful (if you don't know, uranium 235 is for nuclear reaction and stuffs) and it has a very long half life (the fission reaction can last for a long time in great power).

I would rather be uranium 235 than a diamond. How about you?

Monday, October 1, 2012

Slogtember 28 - Heaven on Earth

I miss weekend and going to places. This picture below is one of the places I want to go again. This is like the paradise in the middle of the jungle (like literally). Jembatan gantung ini cuman muat satu orang lebarnya dan di kanan kirinya adalah pohon pohon yang tingginya tinggi banget. Serunya adalah kalo udah naik sini tuh rasanya adeeem banget walaupun kena terik matahari dari atas tanpa ada halangannya. Pemandangannya, walaupun nggak terlalu bervariasi, hijaaaauu banget. Cocok buat ngademin mata dan lepasin beban beban mental...

Satu hal yang disarankan: semoga lo nggak takut sama monyet liar. Karena monyet-monyetnya beneran bakal gelantungan dimana-mana, nggak bohong. Dia bahkan bisa ikutan ke jembatan juga loh... Dan itu satu hal yang gue agak ga suka karena gue jujur aja takut sama binatang liar jadi kemaren waktu kesini, gue bener2 jerit jerit di atas jembatan ini setiap kali ada monyet yang keliaran. Bahkan waktu gue lewat ada monyet berantem segala.... -____-

Tapi balik lagi, tempat ini adalah salah satu tempat terdamai dan terenak dan terseru yang pernah gue kunjungin. Selain hutan ada juga running track dan danau yang dibuat latihan dayung :) plus nggak jauh dr rumah jadi makin enak (walaupun jalan untuk ke jembatan ini sangat jauh dan bikin capekk)

Lokasi: MacRitchie Reservoir
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