Tuesday, February 8, 2011

#OnlyMarsudirini that will always be in our heart

WAHEYYY!! LOOK AT THE PICTURE PEOPLE!! :D i know i'm so excited!

so, first of all if you read my blog often, I talk about Marsud a lot of times. Well, Marsud or Marsudirini for the full name is where I went to school since I was in kindergarten until one and a half year ago when I was in grade 9 junior high.

I don't know who started this but someone starts the trend by posting tweets about my school with special hash tag #onlymarsudirini. My friends in grade 11 high school is having a very big paper project that will due in a short time and they are all stressed about it. I think those people started the hash tag #onlymarsudirini. Someone even made an twitter official account for this! Follow @OnlyMarsudirini (student official) or the other one @marsudirinians :D

We recalled all the memories, everyone started to tweet with the same hash tag. We retweet almost everything with the #onlymarsudirini in their 140 characters. We don't care whether we know each other or not. Whether we ar alumni or students. Whether we only went there for a short period of time. All of us, Marsudirinians, come together and linking up memories until we finally reach the number 3 trending topic in Indonesia!!!

This is one of the reason why I love Marsudirini Bekasi with all the memories, friends and everything :'3

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