Sunday, January 31, 2010

This is yours :)

I was watching this movie this afternoon with Tale and Thasya. And the movie is so good. You should watch it!
Countdown: 4 days to the Big Night Out Concert. I hope there will be a lot of fun!
Fail Skype with my uncle, brother and mom. I hope my brother will go to NUS or NTU.
I called my friend last night for one and a half hour or two which was so great. I had a lot of fun, I had a lot of laugh. We should do it often. Haha.
5 months and I'll be back home.
"I'm the light of the world. I feel grand"
[This is it - Michael jackson]

Thursday, January 28, 2010

No One

I miss Indonesia, Bekasi, Kemang Pratama, Marsudirini so f*cking much! I miss my real friends, I miss my real school with REAL policy and discipline, my teachers. I miss getting real hugs, real stories, real things that all my real friends always share with me. I miss my house damn much. I miss my room, my radio, cassettes and CDs, my novels, my piano (sold out! :'[ dislike), my neighbors, my bicycles, my motorcycles, my car, my brother's guitars, my laptop. I miss the sound that sellers that usually pass my house everyday. I miss my school bus, I miss my school bus driver, I miss my school bus' friends. I miss those awesome times.

I miss cycling or walking around with friends, go to my friends house anytime. I miss SMS-an with a very low fare so much, I miss cheap mobile internet. I miss playing badminton, soccer, running, giggling, hang out, going crazy, tell stories or anything with my friends in Kemang so much. I miss my church, my friends, very very very much. I miss everything that I haven't got them yet here. Seriously, no one will do it better than you guys.

I miss Jogjakarta as much as I miss my own hometown, I miss my cousins, I miss those 6 greatest boy ever! I miss my cousins' houses, I miss my uncle and my auntie. I miss Jogjakarta, I miss gudeg, bang sinyo, and other restaurant on the streets. I miss Jogjakarta at night which is the best time for me. I miss listening to Javanese people speak a real Javanese language.

"Nobody seemed to know me, everybody passed me by. I wanna take a ride"
[Crossroads - Cream / John Mayer]

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Counting On You

Have you ever felt like so sad because you missed something really important and you should not miss them? Well, I do.

It feels like I've missed some of important issues for being a teenager, Indonesian teenager, in Indonesia. I miss so many things that my friends are dealing with now. And I feel really bad for not being there for them as before. I also feel so bad because I wanna know how my life is going to be if I'm still in Indonesia right now.

I mean, how's life going to be different if I'm not here, anyway? What about meeting friends from other country? What about being so success in you own country with not so much knowledge on outside? What about going to a scholarship from you own country, or maybe from a different country?

How does it feel to deal with love? How does it feel to deal with boys and girls problem? Well, it's not that I want to have a boy beside me to make my life SEEMS perfect. That's not how a perfect life is inside my mind, if I only do that for myself. Selfish, you know.

Well, sometimes you will think, as a teenager, it will be nice to have someone there next to you every time. Someone who understands you and you can discuss anything with them. Some people call it boyfriend or girlfriend. But it's not that shallow. You can have some called best friends and siblings to talk to. They also can understand you. They are humans, by the way.

But, why some teenager feels bad if they don't have any boyfriend or girlfriend? They need to open up their mind, really. Well, there always be somebody out there waiting for you. And if that person really has the piece of your heart, that person is yours. It's just about time whether you will find that Mr. or Mrs. Right fast enough or takes time. I know it sounded a little bit old fashioned but it's true. You will when you believe.

I always wanted to know how my life will be different if I wasn't here. Or maybe if I'm in a whole new world, like USA, Europe, or countries that don't use English much. Will it be the same? Or different? But yeah, being here is just great. This is a great opportunity that God has given to me and my family. He works every time in my life and I'm so grateful that I have Him in my life.

And also sometimes I feel so bad when my friends have something really bad and I can't help them because I don't know much about their real life again. Is distance that cruel? I mean, it separates us. I know Indonesia and Singapore isn't that far. But it costs much. And it's not easy to catch up with your new environment and you still want to be updated with stuffs from your old world. That is exactly what is happening to me. When you were the good one in your old world and you are no one in your new world? It's weird but that's how life should be :D

We go up and down every time. Just remember that God won't give anything that you can not handle. Every thing in our life has been written in our book of life by God. So, everything is His blessing, even the smallest thing that happen to us.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Chamillionaire - Good Morning

This song is good for your mood-booster :D


Some concerts on the few months ahead in Singapore are:

28 Jan - Boys Like Girls

3 Feb - Big Night Out (MUSE, Saosin, Rise Against)
6 Feb - Glenn Fredly
7 Feb - Florence and The Machine + The xx
28 Feb - Backstreet Boys

7 Mar - Paramore
12 Mar - Kenny 'Babyface' Edmonds
14 Mar - Au Revoir Simone
19 Mar - Kings of Convenience
20 Mar - Kool and The Gang
29 Mar - Imogen Heap

12 May - Deep Purple

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Back to Shool? Err.

My new organizer haha. I spent half an hour to find an organize that I really like. Finally, I found the blue one. Yep. This one :) and also inside there is something about go green stuff as you can see :D

A great writing pad of mine. Hahaha :D I went to the writing pad section to buy the usual writing pad when I saw this one! I decided to but this one. I love Indonesia <3

Top 3 best album and the most-played album at my house :D You can see it by yourself.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

I'm home. Terribly bored and not in the mood for doing anything at all. However, thank you lots and lots and lots to God because I have had a great and exciting holiday in Bekasi. Thanks My Lord!

Yah jadi sekarang gue udah berada lagi di tempat ini yang bernama singapura nggghhh.. Kesel sih tapi apa daya yaaa. Gue juga ga bisa ngapa2in ckck. Tapi gapapa deh setelah liburan indah yang gue dapet di bekasi selama 10 hari bersama keluarga dan teman2 itu sudah bagus sekali menurut gue hehehe.

Di mulai dari tanggal 23 gue sampe rumah jam stngah 12 malem aja. Besok paginya dengan ga nyantai gue bangun jam 9 padahal malemnya tidur jam 2. Cukup pagi sekali kan ya untuk ukuran seorang siska yang pemalas dan kalo tidur ga ngalahin kebo ini. Wihihi. Trus sorenya ke gereja. Ketemu sm kresna pas baruuu aja masuk greja, trus ketemu rosano, paska, ego, ferdian, genewin, dan beberapa mahkluk Marsud13 lainnya. Pas pulang, nebeng nico hahaha makasi ya nic.

Trus tgl 26 gue jalan bersama dengan 4 manusia dari 9b ada nadia, odin dan pamela. Ke Bekasi Square naik mobilnya pamela, kita pun nonton avatar.. Pengen ngincer stngah satu, malah ga dapet akhirnya terpaksa nonton jam stngah 4. Nunggu 3 jam kita manfaatin lah dengan makan di restoran Marsud13 yang namanya PH hahahha. Lalu meng-autis di tempat main game anak kecil itu hahaha. Kita pun baru pulang2 dadah2 jam 7 maleman gitu. Pulang gue juga sama pamela (ya secara rumah kita berdua tinggal ngesot gitu jaraknya) terimakasih ya sistaaa!

Tanggal 29nya, gue jalan sama nadine. Janji jam 11 akhirnya baru jalan jam stngah 1 hahahah. Emang kalo gua sama nadine yg janjian agak sulit heheh. Tadinya kita mau nonton gitu di MM tapi ga daket tiket, akhirnya ke BS.. Ga dapet juga trus iseng beli new moon eh ternyata ga dibolehin karena nyokap geu takut nanti pulangnya kemaleman. Haahahahah. Hal seperti ini memang sering terjadi kalo jalan, udah beli tiket tapi ga dateng. Kesannya cuma nyumbang gitu ahhaha. (Ehm, harusnya sih buang2 uang hahahha) Akhirnya dari BS ke MM lagi dan kita nongkrong di AW, window shoppin (a.k.a. ngacak2 baju) di Matahari, abis itu foto2 hahahah. Foto bisa dilihat di facebook. :D

Lanjut, tanggal 31 begitu ya, gue jalan ke PIM sama keluarga. Yoi, nge-PIM adalah kegiatan yang amat sangat gue kangenin semenjak gue pindah karna PIM itu super PW hahaha. Setelah makan dan berbelanja (tepatnya nemenin bokap belanja. kesannya agak gimana ya? ahhaahhaha) trus pulang. Gila ya nunggu taksi di PIM pas mau taun baru itu disaster karna gua nunggu kaya sejam ga ketemu yaampun. Tapi untunglah ada penyegaran rohani nya hahahah. Pulang pun agak maleman, dan merayakan tahun baru dengan makan pizza hahahah. Gue ga bisa tidur lagi dan pilek2. Gue agak kesel tuh hahah.

Tanggal 01012010, the first day on 2010 gue jalan bareng kresna, cristo, lucy, dan viola. Hahaha. Minus marina nih sebenernya karena dia sakit gatau kenapaa huhuh :( katanya sih batuk pilek padahal gua kangen banget ya sama dia :( Pagi janjian jam 10 tapi gua ga bangun hahahha. Ampe si kresna kerumah gue, dan nungguin gue siap2. Hehehhehehe. Trus naik motor ke rumah cristo, trus salim2 gitu lah selamat natal tahun baru hehehe. Abis itu berangkat ke Artha Gading. Lucy perginya sama orang tuanya gitu. Trus kita nonton Alvin and the Chipmunks 2 :DDD. Naksir gue sm film ini hahahha. Well, hari pertama tahun baru pun berjalan baik. Akhirnya pulang, trus dianterin ke rumah sm kresna hahaha.

Terus sisanya, gue melewati liburan di rumah, menggila sama abang gue dst dst dst hahaha. Tanggal 3, gue pulang :( sedih.. Sekali. Tapi sekali lagi, gue kesini buat kebaikan gue. Jadi walaupun sedih, moment liburan pasti akan balik lagi :) dan gue harap akan selalu kembali lagi. You know, how I love you guys :* forever!

Gue harap gue bisa sekolah dengan baik tanpa masalah disini. Doain gue ya :) dan gue juni bisa balik kalo dibolehin gue bisa stay sampe sebulan lebih :) supaya gue bsia puas2 main dan tentunya ngambil ijazah gua. Hahahahhaha.

I LOVE YOU GUYS!! And thanks a lot fot the holiday! :* <3
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