Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Last (Productive) Week of September

Guess from the title, I was somewhat productive last week! *lazy happy dance*

It all started when I had an assignment to finish so I cram everything to the last few days because I'm a stupid and lazy b***h. Okay, no I am not. I just hate the subject so I prolong the actual start of the assignment until I panicked and I couldn't really think. I'm not proud of myself. So not proud of myself. But you guys understand that moments right?

I did still have time to take a picture of how my table looks like around 16 hours prior to the submission time. This is how I work: in a mess. Oh wait that's what I am! But... I'm really glad that I got to finished it and actually got to sleep that day. So, one assignment done many more to go! Hoozah!

Then on the weekend, my friend called me to go with her to Society of Cakeyness here in my hall. I was always wanted to go but last semester until August I always have rehearsals on Saturday all day long. I got to go and we made Choux Pastry Swan and look how cool they were! The one that my friend and I made is the one at the very front of the formation. It was pretty and tasty too :) I feel like making the choux pastry for profiteroles with Nutella filling now...

And on Sunday, I went to the Malaysian High Commission because they are having an open house event. It's a part of tourism promotion, celebration of centenary and Floriade (I guess...) called Windows To The World. It was great because I got to eat some of the tasty foods they sell (but to be completely and utterly honest to you guys, Indonesian food is still the best food ever!) and some of them were really nice. I also watched a little bit of this traditional dance down here, anyone know what this is called? :)

And I'm hoping I can go to Festival Indonesia in two weeks because I want food

And, thaaat is how I spent my last weekend of September 2013! Seriously, don't you feel it all went by so quickly? It's October now! How crazy is that??

Please don't forget to comment, share and follow my blog and all of my social media :) Have a lovely week welcoming October everyone!

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