Sunday, September 30, 2012

Slogtember 27 - Contradiction

How many times have you contradict yourself?

For me personally, in my 18 years 6 months of existence, the answer would be a lot, a lot of times. I might do it right now as I’m writing this. It’s not that I already have a fixed ideals and principles about life. My view is still changing constantly almost everyday of my life. One day I would say that I would not sleep to late at night but the other day I would say just live in the moment and screw that. How about you? Maybe, never?

Is it wrong to contradict yourself?

Well, I really don’t know. People do it, we all do it. If you say you have never ever contradict yourself in any matter in you life, I can say that you’re lying. I might be right as well about that. Just think about how many promises you have made to your parents? How many of them you did not break? Or maybe the promises you made to your ex(es). Nah, I won’t start on that.

Some people might say because everyone does it then it’s okay to do it. It’s a common practice, a public secret. What the hell is that anyway? Is it true when people do it almost every time then it becomes the right thing to do? No. Just because so many people kill each other nowadays doesn’t make the act of killing other human being a right thing to do. It still is wrong. But is this wrong? Coming back to my first sentence, I don’t know because I do it too sometimes.

Why do we do it?

We? Okay. If you think you have never contradict yourself or your own promises, principles or sayings, with all due respect, please go away and don’t read this.

Oh reasons, fun. We could go on forever listing all the reasons we can come up with. Probably, because we want to know what happen on the other side? Curiosity. We want to know what would happen. We want to answer all what ifs that come up every night before we go to sleep. Maybe it’s because we want to change the principles in the first place and change the way you live (despite being good or bad, that’s not my concern anyway). In the end, curiosity kills the cat. Well, you’re not a cat so nyan that. Sure…

Maybe it’s because you want to comfort yourself or maybe you want to comfort other people. You don’t want to hurt them so you lie to yourself. Or you don't want to hurt yourself so you lie to people. Who wins?

Maybe… Well there will be a lot of maybes that I can’t write one by one but I’m sure people have their own reasons to justify whatever it is they decide to do.


Everything depends on you and whatever you decide. Whatever your ideal is. It’s your decision; it’s your life. It’s not wrong but no one has ever said it is right. I’m still figuring things out. Isn’t that the reason why we live?

Slogtember 26 - Thank You Mas Darto (spesial)

Teruntuk Mas Imam Darto,

Mulai dari kelas 5 SD saya bisa dibilang hampir setiap hari dengerin Mas Darto dan jatuh cinta sama suaranya. Dari zaman Safari Sore, Mas Darto sama Tante Sessa. Trus ada Mucho Macho, Mas Darto sama Mas Okki (yang jujur saya kangeeeenn banget dengerin kalian berdua siaran. Mungkin nggak ya siaran bareng lagi?). Lalu ada Mass Darto yang siaran cuma Mas Darto sendiri. Sampai sekarang ada The Dandees, yang ada Mas Darto, Mas Danang, dan Mas Fatur kadang-kadang.

Terima kasih banyak banget ya Mas Darto karena tetep ada di Prambors dari 8 tahun yang lalu. Kalo nggak ada Mas Darto, mungkin saya nggak bakal sesetia ini dengerin Prambors. Terima kasih banyak Mas Darto karena taste musik Mas Darto yang bener-bener yahud. Terima kasih banyak ya Mas Darto, walaupun saya nggak pernah ketemu dan nggak pernah kenal, Mas Darto selalu rajin bikin saya waras tiap hari, memberikan saya dosis ketawa yang sangat pas setiap harinya, keeping me sane after all these years, making me forget all my problems and my sadness. Terima kasih ya Mas Darto udah selalu lucu setiap sore selama 8 tahun saya dengerin Prambors. Semoga Mas Darto pahalanya berlimpah udah bikin banyak orang bahagia.

Dari saya masih kecil, SD-SMP di Indonesia sampai zaman SMA saya di Singapura, saya tetep dengerin Mas Darto tiap siaran. Dan siaran Mas Darto di Prambors adalah salah satu alasan saya kangen rumah dan juga penyembuh kekangenan saya kalo lagi kangen Indonesia. Saya masih inget banget dulu setiap Mas Darto siaran saya lagi belajar. Saya juga masih inget kalo SMS ke Mucho Macho terus dibacain saya pasti senyum-senyum sampai besokannya lagi. Saya juga masih inget waktu MASS Darto siaran, saya pernah ngetweet: “Suara Mas Darto udah jauh-jauh di Singapur masih kedengeran sexy banget ya” terus dibacain tapi pas buffering saya lagi bener-bener lemot jadi kelewatan. Saya ditelpon temen saya sampai jerit-jerit dirumah sesorean. Pas The Dandees juga tweet saya pernah dibales dan saya bener-bener seneng waktu itu. Saya juga dulu rajin baca tulisan Mas Darto di Provoke! dari kakak yang udah SMA waktu itu dan sekarang juga mulai baca tulisan Mas Darto di Freemagz.

Sekali lagi, terima kasih banyak ya Mas Darto. Semoga akan selalu sukses dan semakin sukses kedepannya. Semoga tetep lucu dan semakin lucu. Semoga semakin semakin yang lain lagi yang baik baik. Yang terpenting, semoga Mas Darto nggak pernah capek mengudara dan menghibur saya (plus jutaan orang lain di dunia) :D. Amin.

*sebenernya ini nggak cukup banyak tapi untuk sementara ini yang keluar :)*

Slogtember 25 - Thank You The Dandees and Mas Danang

Teruntuk The Dandees dan Mas Danang,

Terima kasih banyak untuk duo Mas Danang dan Mas Darto dalam The Dandees yang dengan semua joke kejayusannya, Hai Lai, Mass DarTop5 (sama Mas Fatur), dan Kocrot Kecret Show selalu menghibur saya dari hari pertama kalian on-air. Thank you so much for making me laugh non-stop for 4 hours every time I listen to you guys. Thank you so much for keeping me sane, curing my homesick for four hours, making me forget about all my sadness and pain and problems, bringing me happiness and joy. Thank you so much for everything that I can’t express with words. I might not be your biggest fan but I’m so grateful you guys do the show together.

Buat Mas Danang, terima kasih banyak ya udah cocok sama Mas Darto dan on-air berdua. Terima kasih banyak Mas Danang karena Mas Danang selalu ngebanyol juga tiap sore. Terima kasih karena Mas Danang bikin saya ketawa banget dengan jayusnya dan “bro bro” dan “kureng”nya. Terima kasih karena selera music mas Danang yang keren-keren jugaa. Walaupun saya nggak pernah ketemu dan kenal pribadi sama Mas Danang, tapi Mas Danang udah setia bikin saya ketawa dengan suara Mas Danang yang ganteng banget (Mas Darto juga ganteng banget loh suaranya hahaha).

Terima kasih karena Mas Danang udah baik banget sama saya dan nggak sombong. Saya masih inget waktu saya ngetweet: “Kenapa nggak The Dandees bilangnya ‘The Most Wanted Guys In The Whole World’ aja?” dan pas saya bilang saya dengerin dari Singapur, mas Danang langsung ngajak ngobrol tentang konser Foo Fighter. Saya nggak berenti senyum hari itu J. Saya juga masih inget waktu Mas Danang bales tweet saya waktu Mas di SIngapur nemenin pemenang kontes nonton konser Foo Fighter walaupun konsernya batal. Jujur, saya seneng banget waktu tau Mas Danang baik dan nggak sombong :D

Semoga Mas Danang juga semakin seru dan semakin sukses dalam apapun itu. Semoga Mas Danang juga makin lucu dan semakin yang lain-lain lagi yang baik baik tentunya. Dan semoga Mas Danang nggak pernah bosen mengudara sama Mas Darto menghibur kawula muda (dan jutaan orang lainnya) :D Amin.

(Terima kasih untuk Mas Dartonya ada disini, klik sini klik yaa)

Slogtember 24 - Thank You Prambors

Teruntuk Prambors,

Terima kasih sedalam-dalamnya, dari lubuk hati yang paling dalam untuk Prambors. Saya mulai mendengarkan Prambors sejak saya kelas 4 SD, walaupun belum rutin karena ditular-tularkan sama kakak. Terima kasih Prambors, karena dari dulu selalu menyediakan program-program yang bagus dan penyiar yang bener-bener menghibur. Dari Safari Sore, Mucho Macho, Toserba, Putuss, sampai sekarang ada The Dandees. Terima kasih karena Prambors dulu selalu muterin lagu-lagu yang bagus bagus banget dan up to date. Jujur, sebenernya saya agak kecewa sekarang sama Prambors karena lagunya terlalu generic dan yang hits aja, padahal yang hits sekarang jelek. Kangen banget sama Prambors yang dulu yang lagunya sangat berkualitas. Semoga cepet membaik ya Prambors J saya tetep mendengarkan loh walaupun sudah merantau ke tempat lain :D

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Slogtember 23 - Best Quote Ever

Following up my yesterday's post. Let me tell you Tina Fey is awesomeee :D
“Every girl is expected to have caucasian blue eyes, full Spanish lips, a classic button nose, hairless Asian skin with a California tan, a Jamaican dance hall ass, long Swedish legs, small Japanese feet, the abs of a lesbian gym owner, the hips of a nine-year-old boy, the arms of Michelle Obama and doll tits.

The person closest to actually achieving this look is Kim Kardashian, who, as we know, was made by Russian scientists to sabotage our athletes. Everyone else is struggling.”

- Tina Fey

Slogtember 22 - Self

Advertisements are so provocative. Unconsciously, they change they way people see the world, the way people think and in the end they always win the mind-battle. They can also affect the society in every single way possible.

I’m home right now. Since I don’t have much to do, I watch TV majority of the time for the past 2 days. I can’t help but to look at the TV ads too (and there are loadssss of them).

As a teenager, there are certain types of ads that catch my attention. One is beauty stuff and another is ad of products targeted to teenage girls or women. And I have some examples too.

One of the ads that I hate the most is the whitening beauty product ads. I hate how the ads is trying so hard to set people’s mind to think that beauty is white skin. They seriously have to stop this. I mean this is Indonesia. If you’re not half something else or you’re the majority of Indonesian, you will have brown skin. That’s just the way it is. It is genetic and it’s going to happen, you’re going to have it. 

So, why do the advertisements trying so hard to sell “white skin”? It bugs me that they’re trying so often to tell people that white skin is the thing and brown skin is so last year? Is it because brown skin is so mainstream? I mean look at foreigners trying so hard to tan their skin to make it looks brown. They even have a machine that exposes their skin directly to the UV even though it is super dangerous. And here we are, thinking that white skin is the “thing” and trying so hard to make our skin looks so white and deleting our identity (kind of).

The same thing goes to the slimming products. There are so many advertisements about slimming products from milk, supplement, medicine and so on. They’re trying to make people think that beauty is slim, or to the extreme end, skinny.  Not trying to be hypocrite, I don’t always feel happy about the way I look. But whenever I think about it, at the same time I realize there are only very few girls who have the skinny figures. That’s not me. And that’s not how most girls’ bodies are. So many people strive to be skinny and hating themselves from young age. That’s NOT healthy both physically and mentally. There are so many beautiful people and talented people who are not skinny and they are successful and in the end the society thinks that they are pretty. And yes, I agree it’s not easy to not to feel self-conscious when the media is pestering us with the image of this perfect skinny white-skinned girl. But you’ve got to try to rise above the stereotypes.

The people around you also contribute on how you think, consciously and unconsciously. I have been in that situation. I’ve never had friends who talks about make up or fashion or anything related to beauty at home. My friends are guys or girls who behave like guys. When I moved away, girls are girls. They talk about fashion, beauty, make up, and clothes (amongst other things too you know, not saying this is a negative thing). More than just talking about it, they actually do something about it. For the first time ever I have people around me feeling self-conscious about their eyebrows and do stuffs like plucking, waxing or threading. Meanwhile, I’m here standing not knowing which kind of eyebrow is ugly and which one is good. Shame on me, right?

On the bottom line, I’m not saying if you’re skinny, white-skinned or if you care about how you look like is wrong. I don’t think that way. It is very good to take care and look after your self. But please do not hate yourself if you are not the same as those girls on TV or magazine. Just make sure that you are healthy and happy. Love yourself the way you are because if you are doing things the right way, you’ll hopefully feel beautiful. I’m trying to and I’m sure lots of other girls are doing the same thing too J
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