Wednesday, January 19, 2011

udah makan banyak ga kenyang-kenyang. makin gendut aja gua celana ga muat. mau olahraga rasanya nyeret pantat aja susah. haha. beneran deh makin tua makin males aja ini. mau jadi apa ntar yaampun.

tiba-tiba pengen pake seragam smp lagi. sekolah di marsud bareng-bareng lagi kaya waktu itu. tadi abis baca blognya carolin yang isinya kira-kira berkisar tentang smp walaupun skrg blognya belom ada post baru semenjak setahun lalu. tiba-tiba jadi kangen uuuuu

seragam putih biru, putih putih, batik biru, kotak kotak biru. seragam marching band. seragam padus. upacara! sibuk-sibukan. temen-temen plus guru-guru. pak joko pak windu dan semua guru-gurunya. gedung putih berkipas angin. koridor yang selalu penuh orang duduk. hahaha. banyak banget deh.

sekarang disini lagi dingin banget. kadang-kadang kalo pas bangun siang, gue lupa bawa jaket atau cardi. sampe kereta karena anginnya kenceng banget baru sadar kalo dingin (soalnya kan sebelum sampe kereta musti jalan tapi ngga kerasa kalo dingin). belom lagi sekolah yang dinginnya kaya kutub utara (maklum norak ga biasa ama yg dingin2). nyesel banget kalo lupa bawa cardi. resenya lagi, pas gue bawa cardi sm payung, paginya mendung abis trus makin lama makin panas kaya apaan tau. giliran gue lupa bawa semuanya ato sengaja ga bawa karena paginya panas, siangnya ujan badai. beuh.

jadi inget dulu waktu smp ga usah bawa-bawa jaket :) ujan panas jaket ada terus. oh oke kecuali beberapa bulan awal-awal kelas 9. dan kelas 7. oh dan kalo disuruh bawa pulang jaketnya jadi besoknya musti dibawa. oke ini udah bye banget gue ngomongin apa haha.

dan yang paling penting dari segala yang terpenting, KANGEN ABIS NAIK JEMPUTAN PAK TONO!!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Thanks to you...

...because you always listen to everything that I said. You always there when I'm sad, when I'm happy, confused, whatever mood I'm in. Well, you may not be standby for 24/7 but you always there :)

...because you always give me an objective opinion for everything that I told you. You made me think more than twice before I can make a judgment

...because you always make me think positive every time when i feel bad about everything. your whateveridon'tcare comments sometimes are mean, but they are true

...because you always make me feel better when I'm sad :)

...because you never mad at me even when I'm being such a b*tch

...because you always care

...because you've changed but you always stays the same all these years

...because you always try to cheer me up

...because I can make you a shoulder to complaint, and say everything that I wanna say

...because you always make me feel grateful for everything I have in life, for who I am

...because you are one of those important people that make me who I am right now

...because you are thin and tall, LOL JK :P this is totally a joke

...because you always there after all these years. Simply, there

...because I'm running out of reasons to write here but I still have a lot in my mind

and I'm sorry because I always 'terrorized' and annoy you and sometimes b*tched about things that are not important and be rude to you or whatever that I've done that hurts you.

Thank you :)

So, today is 10.01.11 and tomorrow is gonna be 11.01.11 *unimportant random fact*

I just got back from my greaat vacay :D well, i don't really have that much time to see all my friends. My holiday was somewhat undercover-ish. However, I had a great time with my family..

I spent my Christmas night here and on 25 went to Indonesia. and I spent whole lot time with my fams. Then, me and Nadia went to Menteng for a day then met Nadine and spent the whole afternoon at the mall. Oh by the way, mie Gondangdia was sooooo good omg!

On the last weekend, I went to Wisnu's house after a hundred years time. Hahaha. By hundred I mean five. Hahaha. Then, me, Lucy, Cristo, and Kresna went to XXI and watched Little Fockers! I had a good time :) too bad Marina weren't there :(

THE MOVIE WAS SO FUNNY! But this is no good for children even though it has the word 'LITTLE' in the title. HAHAHA.

I'm thinking of going back on the CNY, if i have the reason to go back...
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