Saturday, February 15, 2014

Happy Valentine

Happy Valentine's Day Massacre! (if you get this reference, comment below so I can give you lots of cool points)

It's the February 14 and you can smell the love in the air. The smell of chocolate, flowers, alcohol, and tears of happiness and sadness. It's the commercial holiday that was created so that the florists, card maker company, chocolate and alcohol producer will be rich because there is no more holidays until the end of the year again.

I'm just going to share my Valentine's day with you guys because why not? ;)

I just got back from home to home yesterday where I spent almost 11 hours sitting down (I'll get down to details in another post). I got the same room that I got last year which is soo nice because I love this room. I also got new set of curtains in the color of navy blue (which is my favorite color). Oh, and I also have Joel as my SR which is uhmazing because he's the only SR that I know best.

Anyway, I'm supposed to be unpacking today. I've been quite a good girl and unpacked one box and a small suitcase yesterday. But it's Valentine's Day, I have better things to do than unpacking.

So, I spent most of my time sleeping. I slept for about 14 hours today which was so fun. Then, Sarah came back so I talked to her and helped her move her stuff because she moved floor (which is very sad). Later at night, Pauline, Khadeeja, and I went to Sarah's room and terrorised Khadeeja to clean her room and ran down the fire exit to her room. How exciting.

After that, I came back to my room decided to locked it and sang along to my iTunes. Joel knocked on my door to gave me fake noise complaint which failed miserably. Then Lip Yi, Joel and I went to his room about to watch 12 Years a Slave (I have no idea what this is but it sounds like a good movie with a sad story line). That plan also failed. Instead, we ended up having a karaoke session and sang along to Disney songs, Queen's, A Thousand Miles, What What In The Butt, Super Bass, and Wrecking Ball (with me putting water on my face as tears)

That ended, and I have been sitting down in front of my laptop listening to songs while talking to my chums (NaNadine) and my best friends (MeiThasya) on WhatsApp. Oh, international love.

I was about to watch Camp Takota starring the holy trinity; Grace Helbig, Hannah Hart, and Mamrie Hart. Sadly, I don't have my ethernet cable yet and my wifi sucks.

Anyway guys, how is/was your Valentines Day? Tell me down in the comments below for me to read so I don't feel sad :')

Hope you nice people have an amazing Valentine's Day!

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Saturday, February 1, 2014

Guling Awareness Day #Thanksguling

Kemaren @indoprobs (yang lalu didukung oleh @indooverseas) bikin Guling Awareness Day yang akan disebut dengan Thanksguling. Thanksguling Day bakalan jadi tradisi yang diperingati setiap hari Rabu terakhir di bulan Januari.

Ngomong-ngomong guling, siapa sih anak Indonesia yang tidurnya nggak pernah pake guling? Anak Indonesia sama guling itu udah kayak air putih sama gelas. Mereka saling melengkapi, kayak gelas yang mendekap air, anak Indonesia mendekap guling. Pokoknya guling itu nomer satu deh, nggak pake bantal gapapa asal ada guling.

Kenapa anak Indonesia (baca: gue) ga bisa lepas dari guling?

Karena waktu kecil kita tidurnya satu kasur sama ayah dan ibu dan kalo malem pasti dikelonin. Kalau nggak dikelonin (atau selain dikelonin), kita pasti pas tidur meluk ayah atau ibu kita deh. Entah tangannya, jarinya, apa aja pasti ada yang kita pegang.

Begitu udah gede, nggak ada lagi kan yang bersedia ngelonin kita kalo mau tidur? Biar mandiri. Pacar nggak punya, lagian juga mana boleh, kan saru. Tapi sebenernya kita juga ga mandiri-mandiri amat sih, karena ada guling tadi. Guling yang selalu siap dipeluk, dikelon, dan di jelimet-jelimetin kalo lagi gejolak hormon (maksudnya PMS).

Selain itu, memeluk seseorang (atau dalam hal ini, sesuatu) itu sehat. Menurut riset yang pernah gue baca, setiap lo memeluk, otot lo yang tegang akan jadi lemas, memperkuat sistem pertahanan tubuh, dan meningkatkan oxytocin levels yang bisa menringankan perasaan depresi, sendiri/isolasi, dan kemarahan.

Jadi, agak terjawab kenapa setiap anak Indonesia (lagi, gue) tidur pake guling, kualitas tidur gue pasti lebih bagus dan pas bangun pasti perasaannya bisa lebih lega dan lebih segar. Tak lain tak bukan, karena gue baru aja menghabiskan sekitar 8 jam meluk guling.

Dan lagi, guling adalah yang paling setia. Dari dulu kalo marah, sedih, atau bahagia sekalipun pasti ada luapan-luapan emosi yang akan dilakukan secara private dikamar. Gimana caranya? Antara joget-joget sendiri, nggemes sendiri, atau meluk guling. Apalagi kalo lagi sedih. Isinya kan pasti cuman masuk kamar, dengerin lagu menye sambil meluk guling toh?

Kalo nangis, yang nyerep air matanya siapa?

Kalo marah, yang dipukulin siapa?

Gulingnya diem aja, tetep nemenin lo nangis, tetep nerima aja lo pukul-pukulin. Abis itu, gulingnya tetep terima-terima aja lo peluk sehabis lo capek nangis dan marah-marah pas akhirnya lo ketiduran.

Dan inilah alasan-alasan kenapa guling itu penting buat gue.

Happy Belated Thanksguling Day! #GulingAwarenessDay

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