Saturday, June 9, 2012

3 Years of Journey

I am now officially a graduate...

I have finished 12 years of school and 3 years of high school today...

A lot of moments passed, things have changed, I gained a lot of new things; experiences, knowledge, friends, moments, happiness, sadness, life lessons, and other precious moments that I will always treasure forever.

And just like Darrel said in his speech today: "We break our cocoon and come out as a beautiful flower" (This is not his actual words though hahaha)

First and foremost, I would like to thank God for everything..

With this post, I want to thank every single individual that has made their contribution and supported me in my three years of high school, whoever you are. Parents, brother, family, relatives, friends back home, new friends, friends' parents and especially teachers here and back home. Each and everyone of you.

I'm so grateful I can't say anything other than thank you...

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