Sunday, May 24, 2009

do-fun day! (read as: dufan day!)

Well. Long time no posts :) but today i'll tell you about the do-fun day (the day when we went to DUFAN) :D. There were 9 people : odin, nadia, sis, amel, pamela, cindy, nina, gaby, and gab's mom.

*Hm. I hope I can find some words that can represents these happiness haha*

Okay. We planned to go at 9 but we didn't do that. So we went to DUFAN by gab's car at 10. Cindy's friends who we called Bapip here, went to DUFAN too so Cindy sms-an with Bapip. Haha. Arrived at DUFAN safely and the first vehicle we played is th KOMIDI PUTAR. Haha. At first, Pam was so shy to play the komidi putar because there were so many kindergarten student and their parents. Lol.

Okeh. Then we went to the BOM BOM CAR. Well, we were the only girls group in the line the rest is alay (there are so many alay there). I felt that all people in the line were starring and laughing at us. And when we played, we planned to catch Nina but we can't because we forgot how to play it XP. I got in the car with Nad and I drove the car (believe me, I often screamed to Gab to banged up her car to my car so that I can move and drove it again :D). And when I want to collide Nina, I think I made a mistakes and the car goes to run around and around with no direct purpose and direction. Lol. And the time is up.

Then, we went to EXTREME LOG. Hm, there were some alay pass us at the line, that's dishonest actually. Then, Cindy shout at them and said " EH GAUSAH NORAK DONG PAKE SEROBOT-SEROBOTAN!!" Beugh..

And we met Bapip and friends *all girls :-|* And we ahout at cindy, "Cie". "Cin, ada bapip". And so on and so on. Lol. Well, Cindy was blushing at that time :D. When we played the EXTREME LOG, i sat with Nina. We laughed when everybody screamed all the time haha. Then, when we got out, Nina said, "Ah pijet refleksi nya ga enak". Lol

Then we went to ontang-anting. Nothing special haha. Then we had a luch and met 3 native *Bule dah biar gampang* haha. And also met Bapip. Odin and I want to washed our hands so we went to the nearest wastafel. But we almost got in to the wrong room *GENTLEMAN'S RESTROOM* Hahahaha.

Then we played the star wars. Odin got the highest score 10900. Ckckck she is so cruel *sorry din hehe :D* We take some pictures here hehe.

Lanjut. Ke Alap-Alap. I sat besides Nina agaain. I was so afraid with the voice of the operator, it was so likely like a ghost. Hiks. When the mini roller coaster run, Nina scream so loud : "Anjrit kenceng banget! Breng*pip*!" soo many times. Hahahaha.

Then, we went to Isatana Boneka hahahaha. Well, we just sat down in a boat and we went around the castle and sometimes me and Nad and Nina said : ITU ODIN SAMA EPIP hahahaha.

Then, then, then, Rumah Kaca. We didn't find anything wrong and confusing because Gaby already memories the route to the exit door hahahaha. We went out first :)

Niagara-gara. A long long line and there were some trouble. Well well well, Odin whose stay outside must wait for us for one and a half hour. Weww. The result of playing Niagara-gara : Wet! When we were in arung jeram, we saw a good-looking boy which we called "grey" because his shirt is in grey. Then when Cindy want to get into the boat, cindy KEPELESET and DIKETAWAIN satu antrian panjang. Hiks. How poor.... Trus ada mas mas yang tugas mau masangin safety belt dan nanya.

Mas mas : Dek, sakit apa malu?
Cindy : Menurut mas???!!

Hahahahaha. Konyool. We got so wet wet wet hahaha.

Then , Nadia, Pam, Gab, and I went to play Halilintar! Well, awesome haha. The last one is Bianglala *it's like the london eye* And Nina cried because she hates elevated place. Odin too, but she just said : Kok ga jalan ya? Kapan turunnya ya? Dan sebagainya. Hahahaha.

Look at our tired face :)) that's weird. Hahahahaha. Well that's all I think :D


But now, I stuck at home and feel soo boring. Can I get out of these things? Haha. SO BORED! Yasudahlah. Hope I can find another things to do :D

Monday, May 18, 2009

shoping time as usual

Hey all. I felt soo depressed. Last night, I had arranged a plan that this morning I will ride my bicycle around my house with my friend. And what I find this morning is : I slept at 11p.m. then i got up in 8a.m. just because I FORGOT to set my alarm on at 6. DAAAMN! I terribly sorry for him and I just wanna say I AM SO SORRY. Hiks.

Okay then, I woke up and went to my own room and read Eclipse.

I know it's too late because it's like almost everybody knows the plot of that story. But yeah, because of scholarship training, so many try-outs, national exams, and my own school's exam, i really don't have time to finish a big and thick book like Eclipse. So my project is to finish that book in this week :D

Then I just ate my very very late brunch because it's already 2p.m. Lol. And this is the hard part = MATI LAMPU. Yess that's right. Tadi dirumah gue mati lampu. Soo resent. Ckckck. Hari gini mati lampuu? Indonesia gitu loh. Eh, is other country do have some cases like this? MATI LAMPU?

I just bought some new books for myself last Sunday. And that was these :

I know those two books are so last year. Lol. The Breaking Dawn by Stephanie Meyer was released in the early 2009, I think. And the Anne Frank's Diary? It must be released a long long time ago. =P but if you see a little closer, the book says that it was the latest and the most complete. Just because I want to read it from a long time ago, *actually, this is LEBAY* ya aku beli aja. Toh ga ada salahnya, udah libur ini :D

But those two books are still in package.. I won't read it until I finish read Eclipse. Lol.

And my brother just bought these two CD's as his birthday present :

When he showed me these two CD's, I pointed at the LP's CD without thinking. But it was his decision to choose, so he choose the two of them. Lol. But he left one CD because it's too expensive and that was LED ZEPPELIN. Ckckckck. Oh ya, the Linkin park is new : Linkin Park Songs From The UNDERGROUND. AN Official Collection of favorites Released Through The Linkin Park Fan Club. And the Dream Theater is also new : Dream Theater Greatest Hit (...and 21 other pretty cool songs).

Dream Theater consist of two CD's. One for the LOUD SONGS and one for the SLOW. I think I love the two of them :D

I can't wait to hunt some CD's and books again!

Plan for tomorrow : Going to DUFAN with nadia, odin, pamela, cindy, gaby, amel, and nina :)
Today's song : What can I do - The Corrs

Friday, May 15, 2009

my first no exam at all day

Jadi hari ini sebenerny amau posting dari sekolah. Tapitakutnya blog nya diapa-apain biasa kan gue orangnya ceroboh gimana gitu hahaha. So, firstly I want to scream HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my lovely big brotha edud, daud, yudith, tante cici, ka saras, ci eline, dan Jusuf kalla. Hahahaha.

Hem, enaknya ngomongin apa ya? Oh yeah, today is Saturday and it must be my holiday. But because I'm one of the panitia perpisahan so i must go to school this morning with my uniform (yeah right bukan baju bebaaas). On Thursday, my teacher said htat we must get ready in school for a meeting in 8. So today i woke up at 6.30 and hten get ready at 7. Then about 7.30 I went to cc pam's home to get a ride alias NEBENG. When we got to school it almost 8 and the exist students were already there. In veranda. So i must got in from the other gate. That's not a good thing. THen, we were waiting for the meeting at the hall. Until 8.30 the meeting was not started yet. OMG. It was late about 30 minutes. Okay it wasn't late but very very late.

So this is the first thing I want to share. Is this really an Indonesian culture? JAM KARET? You know, Indonesian people arae really really warm and tolerate each other much. But in this case, late, is that our culture or what? I think, late is a normal thing. But late for half an hour? I think it's a wrong thing. Crazy. What can we do in thirty minutes? SO many. And today we have thrown away those minutes for nothing. Wow.

I know late is something people can do and maybe always do because we are not a superhuman. I do sometimes late. For me getting late in 30mins and not because a reasonable thiing it's definitely wrong. Kalo acara biasa sih gapapa. Lha ini? RAPAT. Penting aja banget gitu loh ahelah. Langit gonjang-ganjing bumi jedar jeder deeeeh. Udah gitu yang telat itu pemimpin nyaaa. IHHH WAAAW

Yodah lanjut. XP

Tadi ke sekolah rapat, ke perpus buka fesbuk, bantu anak acara, nonton md, makan sama nadine, balik ke perpus kerja dan bakil. hiahahhaa. Terus pulaaang deh. Chat bentar sama dya terus katanya dy mau ke pax haha. Ada pertandingan basket persahabatan gitu deh karena ada frater suster yang dateng ke gereja gue disini. Hehe. Hemm, apalagi ya tadi? Katanya sih tanding nya ampe nanti sore. Yah gapapa lah. Nanti sore juga gereja. Hahahahahaha. Laknat.

Apa lagi yaaaa? Oh iya kan waktu itu gue ngedit-ngedit ya iseng baru satu sih karena lagi males lucu ga sih kita?

Ki-ka : cath, sis, pam, ndy, jess, din. taken by : na. place : tk mini pa kasur. Hehehehehehehe

Sama ini juga, ini foto panitia cewe buku tahunan angkatan gue hehehe :

Dari orang bando kuning ke kanan : Resti, sis, ghea, amel, ita. Taken by : Pak Joko as coordinator and pembina. Location : lapangan :D

Kalo yang ini foto panpis semuanyaa

Begitulah posting hari ini abis gue bingung siih hehehehe. Keep on reading folks! Doain buku tahunan hasilnya bagus yaa ! :D

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