Friday, May 15, 2009

my first no exam at all day

Jadi hari ini sebenerny amau posting dari sekolah. Tapitakutnya blog nya diapa-apain biasa kan gue orangnya ceroboh gimana gitu hahaha. So, firstly I want to scream HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my lovely big brotha edud, daud, yudith, tante cici, ka saras, ci eline, dan Jusuf kalla. Hahahaha.

Hem, enaknya ngomongin apa ya? Oh yeah, today is Saturday and it must be my holiday. But because I'm one of the panitia perpisahan so i must go to school this morning with my uniform (yeah right bukan baju bebaaas). On Thursday, my teacher said htat we must get ready in school for a meeting in 8. So today i woke up at 6.30 and hten get ready at 7. Then about 7.30 I went to cc pam's home to get a ride alias NEBENG. When we got to school it almost 8 and the exist students were already there. In veranda. So i must got in from the other gate. That's not a good thing. THen, we were waiting for the meeting at the hall. Until 8.30 the meeting was not started yet. OMG. It was late about 30 minutes. Okay it wasn't late but very very late.

So this is the first thing I want to share. Is this really an Indonesian culture? JAM KARET? You know, Indonesian people arae really really warm and tolerate each other much. But in this case, late, is that our culture or what? I think, late is a normal thing. But late for half an hour? I think it's a wrong thing. Crazy. What can we do in thirty minutes? SO many. And today we have thrown away those minutes for nothing. Wow.

I know late is something people can do and maybe always do because we are not a superhuman. I do sometimes late. For me getting late in 30mins and not because a reasonable thiing it's definitely wrong. Kalo acara biasa sih gapapa. Lha ini? RAPAT. Penting aja banget gitu loh ahelah. Langit gonjang-ganjing bumi jedar jeder deeeeh. Udah gitu yang telat itu pemimpin nyaaa. IHHH WAAAW

Yodah lanjut. XP

Tadi ke sekolah rapat, ke perpus buka fesbuk, bantu anak acara, nonton md, makan sama nadine, balik ke perpus kerja dan bakil. hiahahhaa. Terus pulaaang deh. Chat bentar sama dya terus katanya dy mau ke pax haha. Ada pertandingan basket persahabatan gitu deh karena ada frater suster yang dateng ke gereja gue disini. Hehe. Hemm, apalagi ya tadi? Katanya sih tanding nya ampe nanti sore. Yah gapapa lah. Nanti sore juga gereja. Hahahahahaha. Laknat.

Apa lagi yaaaa? Oh iya kan waktu itu gue ngedit-ngedit ya iseng baru satu sih karena lagi males lucu ga sih kita?

Ki-ka : cath, sis, pam, ndy, jess, din. taken by : na. place : tk mini pa kasur. Hehehehehehehe

Sama ini juga, ini foto panitia cewe buku tahunan angkatan gue hehehe :

Dari orang bando kuning ke kanan : Resti, sis, ghea, amel, ita. Taken by : Pak Joko as coordinator and pembina. Location : lapangan :D

Kalo yang ini foto panpis semuanyaa

Begitulah posting hari ini abis gue bingung siih hehehehe. Keep on reading folks! Doain buku tahunan hasilnya bagus yaa ! :D

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