Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Sincerely, Brain (1/3)

Dear Heart,

I won. Stop denying me, I won. Look at you. Don't be sad. Please. Logic is in all ways superior to feelings. Deep down inside, I know you know it too.

Maybe your reasoning tells you that this happens because of that one guy. Maybe you got too carried away with your feelings and you let me take over and run everything. To that, I'd like to say that you are wrong. Please stop with the reasoning because you cannot do it properly.

I'm not trying to stand on one side and think I'm right and you're wrong. It might be different for you but I can't help it if I see everything as black and white. I see facts, I deduce them and come to a conclusion. From that process, I pass on judgments. The verdict remains. I am right. Therefore, you are wrong.

So far, there are no jerks that got in the way. No unnecessary problems and worries and stupid feelings. Everything is breezy. Wake up, do things, go back to sleep. No stupid fights, no energy is missing on things that don't matter.

So, I shall always be the ruler because there is always reason behind every reaction and action. That is my part. I work out reasons. I will work this out. No hard feelings (I guess, that's what you say right?). You can chill out now.



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