Thursday, December 3, 2015

Sincerely, Heart (2/3)

Dear Brain,

I am sorry. I am so very truly sorry. I put everything on my sleeves and everything fell. I didn't know my sleeves are shaky. I didn't know my sleeves are not that strong to carry all these. I guess I got carried away.

I feel things, that is my job. Your job is to know the facts so I'm sure you're aware of this. I can't help but. Her, being a Pisces, certainly did not help. I felt like I have the capability to overpower you, in whatever way possible. I'd like to believe I did. Do you?

I give out emotions. Sometimes too soon and too intense all at the same time. I give out hope because that is what I know. It's beautiful and I love beautiful things. I am vulnerable, it is an amazing feeling to be vulnerable.

A few years ago, I sense that I broke down. It might be my fault, it might be his fault, but I know no black and white. I suppose it was because of everything mingled into one beautiful dance. Maybe it's my time to break, you know? What with the ability for me to do it all over again and heal myself. Maybe that was the time you took over me.

So, again I'd like to say I'm sorry. Maybe we both can work it out together somehow?



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