Saturday, September 19, 2009

I want more UN day!! (Bahasa Indonesia Lesson)

Heiho~ Just wanna share you something. Well, I'm busy around this time. And I was sick for like 3 days hiks. But now I'm fine and I hope I will be foerever. Haha.

Oiya, Yesterday, I have a United Nation Day in my school. UN Day is like when students from all country show their own culture in a concert :D It was a very great day! Though we feel exhausted after. But t'was a lot of fun! Ihope I will have more UN day in one year :D

So for Indonesia UN concert, we played gamelan and 5 people were dancing. And we did everything well :D Thanks God. We have our practise time for about a month every saturday and some friday in Sekolah Indonesia Singapura (FYI, tu sekolah kaya sekolah negeri! Persiiiis bgt!)

Those are our practice photo and the performers photos. Minus Nadine and Monica (I forgot why). We also had an event day. That's the day when we displayed our foods and people can get them free :)

Bcs Thasya and me arrived late, so we only got kerupuuk and some kue hahaha. But it was fun. (yea, bcs the all-you-can-eat time). O yea, we (INDOS) also made our hoodie or jumper or whatever. You can see it above.

And for the real UN day, I haven't got the photo yet. I will post it asap :)

Oh well, today is a morning-hot-sun-yet-rainy-cold-and-cloudy-day. Tadi waktu gue sama Thasya nunggu kelas mat, kita ngobrol gitu pake basa Indo, terus ada temen2 kita yg "boys before flowers" haha. Tru gue bilang "sama-sama" maksudnya bareng-bareng. pas lunch gue lunch bareng temen bbf gue itu. Dia nanya

Dia : Gue td denger samamasam *apalah gitu*. artinya apa ya?
Kita: Oh sama sama? artinya you're welcome.
Dia : Oh sama-sama. What's thankyou?
Kita: trima kasih.

Trus dia ngulang2 gitu kan biar keren keliatannya huahhaa. Terus abis itu gue jalan bareng dia ke kelas humanities, ada temen dia yang orang negeri tirai bambu. Trus dia bilang,

Dia : I just learnt Indonesian
NTB : What?

Huahahhahahha. Gue ngakak to the max!! Hahahhahahahha. Tapi abis itu gue kasi tau sih kalo satae tuh makanan. Trus dia jadi ketawa juga. Tapi ya gue ngajarin sama2 dan terima kasih ke sekitar 4 orang hari ini. Mereka ngomongnya jago deh gitu bener banget logatnya. Pengucapannya BENER. Keren!! Salute to all of you! Hahaha. :DD

Monday, September 7, 2009

ONS Reunion!

1st ONS reunion : Siska + Odin

2nd reunion ONS : Nadia + Siska

3rd ONS reunion : ALL MEMBER!

4th ONS reunion :DD

I miss you soo bad guys! Love you always! :DD xoxo.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Good evening folks!! Love to come back agaain! Btw, I heard that there was an earthquake (about 7.something skalaritcher?) in Jakarta, Bandung and Semarang? How was it guys? Because I didn't know. Can you comment this post or maybe just share in chatbox? Hope you all fine :D

Well, today, for my reading class, we make our blog! One person one blog on blogspot. It's like a reading journal but I think we can also treat it like our personal blog. MAYBE. I hope soo :) So please guys, check out my new second blog in (It sounds nice, isn't it? But I don't know. Is high school has that so much fun? We'll see...) I will put it in my link *of course on 1st place :D* too!

You know what's this? Hahaha. This is my grade 9B class. Can you recognize me? LOL. See? Every body is enjoying an extraordinary photo session :D Girls and boys all together in 9B. And as you know, I MISS YOU SO MUCH GUYS! I also miss all my friend outside 9B. 8F and 6A. And actually EVERYBODY! You guys rocks! :DDD

Oyea, today I had a writing class. Inside, we share some children story, or whatever kind of story you want to share. And my friends talked about The Rabbit and The Turtle. The teacher asked us about the moral of the story. Then he also asked about a quote in MRT Station.

Teacher : Who takes MRT to go home?
Student : *raise their hands. I also takes MRT so I raised my hand*
Teacher : Do you know, there is a good quote in the station but I forgot. *Sambil nginget2*
Me : *Talked to myself* Don't play play! Let me come out first!
Class : Laugh out loud *ketawa super ngakak*

AstaganagaomyGoddragon! It was soo embarassing! Hahaha. Gue juga ketawa kok waktu mereka ketawa. Tapi tetep aja itu superduper malumaluin aja. Hahahahahahahahahaha.

Eh iya tadi kan gue nelpon nyokap. Trus nyokap cerita ttg gempa itu. Trus katanya ada anak tetangga sebelah gue. Rumahnya persis di sebelah rumah gue, masih TK dia. Pas gempa orang satu gang pada keluar semua dari rumah. Termasuk keluarganya dia. Trus dia bingung kan.. Dia nanya ke nyokapnya.

"Mami, gempa itu apa sih?" *pas masih pada heboh gitu orang2*. Trus nyokapnya jawab, "Gempa itu buminya kebelah." Dan itu anak langsung nangiiis!!! Hahaha. Nyokapnya kocak kan? Trus dy langsung pucet gitu gemeteran. Kasian si adekk..

Hahahaha. maybe it' senough for today! I'll see you later!

Don't forget to check out my second blog! Yeah.
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