Sunday, September 30, 2012

Slogtember 27 - Contradiction

How many times have you contradict yourself?

For me personally, in my 18 years 6 months of existence, the answer would be a lot, a lot of times. I might do it right now as I’m writing this. It’s not that I already have a fixed ideals and principles about life. My view is still changing constantly almost everyday of my life. One day I would say that I would not sleep to late at night but the other day I would say just live in the moment and screw that. How about you? Maybe, never?

Is it wrong to contradict yourself?

Well, I really don’t know. People do it, we all do it. If you say you have never ever contradict yourself in any matter in you life, I can say that you’re lying. I might be right as well about that. Just think about how many promises you have made to your parents? How many of them you did not break? Or maybe the promises you made to your ex(es). Nah, I won’t start on that.

Some people might say because everyone does it then it’s okay to do it. It’s a common practice, a public secret. What the hell is that anyway? Is it true when people do it almost every time then it becomes the right thing to do? No. Just because so many people kill each other nowadays doesn’t make the act of killing other human being a right thing to do. It still is wrong. But is this wrong? Coming back to my first sentence, I don’t know because I do it too sometimes.

Why do we do it?

We? Okay. If you think you have never contradict yourself or your own promises, principles or sayings, with all due respect, please go away and don’t read this.

Oh reasons, fun. We could go on forever listing all the reasons we can come up with. Probably, because we want to know what happen on the other side? Curiosity. We want to know what would happen. We want to answer all what ifs that come up every night before we go to sleep. Maybe it’s because we want to change the principles in the first place and change the way you live (despite being good or bad, that’s not my concern anyway). In the end, curiosity kills the cat. Well, you’re not a cat so nyan that. Sure…

Maybe it’s because you want to comfort yourself or maybe you want to comfort other people. You don’t want to hurt them so you lie to yourself. Or you don't want to hurt yourself so you lie to people. Who wins?

Maybe… Well there will be a lot of maybes that I can’t write one by one but I’m sure people have their own reasons to justify whatever it is they decide to do.


Everything depends on you and whatever you decide. Whatever your ideal is. It’s your decision; it’s your life. It’s not wrong but no one has ever said it is right. I’m still figuring things out. Isn’t that the reason why we live?

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