Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Life Happens, Life Begins, Life is...

Life happens when you are busy making other plans. Life begins when you are 21, or 16, or 18, or even 40. Life happens when you appreciate little things in life. When did life begin?

Life begins when you open your eyes in the morning. Be it on your own or with someone you love the most. It continues as you drag your feet to the bathroom and through until you reach your workplace or your school.

It begins when you realize you have to do this everyday, doing something that you do not enjoy. However, it happens when you see the faces of your significant other, your children, or your parents. At that moment you realize that you are doing this not only for yourself but also for them. For the people you love the most, to put that beautiful smile on them. It happens when you smile at the thought of them and the thought of them drives you, on and on.

It begins when you come back home. To the arms of the people you love and arms of people who love you. You realize that they will always be there for you. They will accept you in any condition; your best and your worst and everything in between. They will support you to do what is right and they will guide you to the light. That is the moment when your life begins.

It happens when you are tired and fed up with all the routines, all the problems and obstacles that will never go away from your sight or your mind. It happens when you are annoyed with your schoolmate, dorm mate, or fellow workers. It happens when you are rejected and down. You realize that life will never be pretty with flowers and unicorns all the time. You realize that movies will not be real life, even the ones based on true stories and such.

That is when life begins and when life happens. Life is every time you open your eyes and it will never stop even when you close your eyes every night.

Life is present, life is now;

Monday, April 22, 2013

It Is What It Is

It is what it is - because of me. I am not perfect, as you know, nobody is or ever will be. I have done wrong in the past and I admit it. I have been horrible for so long. I acknowledge it. I was the one who were afraid and I was the one who went away. I was really hot and cold, the one who were always unsure. But to be honest, I tried. I tried to make it worked. I put my effort into it and I put myself out there. You know I would never do that to anyone, but I did. I tried to put my trust in it. Again, you know I would not do that easy but I did it anyway. And I am thankful that I did. 

It is what it is - because of you. You tried beautifully hard and put everything in it. You are pretty much a perfection. You are everything everyone will ask for. I was just so very lucky that I crossed path with you and got the opportunity to spend my life with you. And nobody can stop it from happening, nobody can stop you. You find what the world can offer you and you know you can reach to the top of whatever it is you are aiming to. You find the place where you belong, you find a new home. You are growing - from a little piece of perfection to someone much much more bigger and powerful. To someone who knows where to belong and know what it is to be a perfection. And I am thankful that you did. 

It is what it is - because of us. Because we met, we talked and we interacted. Because we grow and we develop together. Because we figure out the world together; or at least we tried to figure it all out together. Because we share the moments and we share whatever it is we wanted to share. Because we made it that way and now we let it be this way.

It is what it is - because I hope. Because you hope. Because you are and because I am.

Heater Y U NO ON

Kembali ke gaya ngeblog jaman jaman baru mulai lagi ya untuk sesaat...

Gila ya dingin banget. Ga bohong. Tadi pagi udah enam derajat celsius aja loh! Dan udah mulai pake baju berlapis...padahal musim dingin masih 1 setengah bulan lagi *brb rebus diri di air panas*

Nah ya disini ada pemanas kan ceritanya. Tapi pemanasnya ga nyala kalo musim panas (go figure). Secara sekarang masih musim gugur, belom musim dingin (tapi dinginnya udah kaya musim dingin di kota lain -_-) jadi ini hall belom nyalain pemanas waktu Maret kemaren.

Tengah-tengah Maret udah mulai jatoh ke 20 awal tuh suhunya. Orang orang udah mulai minta dinyalain pemanasnya kan dan segala macem, tapi karena kalo nyalain pemanas itu berarti listrik (mungkin?) jadi ya ga bakal dinyalain lah ya kan ngirit gitu anak kuliahan........ *cek isi dompet*

Dijanjiinnya sih April awal tuh bakalan dinyalain pemanasnya. Semua orang seneng deh bahagia karena akhirnya bisa merasakan kehangatan seorang, eh maksudnya temperaturnya gitu yang hangat.

April datanglah sudah dan temperatur pun mulai kesandung kesandung ke belasan yang agak kebawah-bawah gitu lebih dingin dikit. Sekitar 16-17 kalo siang siang.. Awal-awalnya sih pada oke oke aja kan soalnya masih ada matahari segala macem. Masih anget dikit lah didalem juga suhunya.

Nah sekarang nih udah April tanggal puluhan, suhunya udah jatoh dan lecet jadi untuk naik lagi agak susah ya.. Kalo siang udah mulai 13an suhunya. Masih ada matahari sih, dan mataharinya masih terik (agak ngeselin sebenernya tapi gapapa lah anget :P) tapi anginnya yastagaa....... Gue disini naik sepeda bolak balik kampus, dan naik sepeda jadi berat, susah, dan dingin kaya es krim yang dilapis roti yang dijual uncle uncle di sekitaran Orchard yang enak banget itu yaampun kangen parah!! (maaf melipir)

Dan akhirnya pun saudara, besok pemanas akan dinyalakan. Haleluya!!!

Sebagai penutup:

Cantik ya? :)

P.S. Chatime akhirnya buka disini tapi udah ga musim panas.....mengapaaaaaaa 

Sunday, April 14, 2013

It is Okay

I'm writing this down not because I want to be inspirational or anything. In my 19 years of life, I've been in the same situation for lots and lots of time and I always feel uncomfortable about this.

As you probably know, I'm in a family with loads of males. I have female cousins from my dad's side but they all live so far away that I don't get to see them very often.

Being the only girl in the family and having 5 other male cousins and an older brother is very very amazing. I am very grateful and I wouldn't wish for anything else to happen. Anyway... This pretty much makes me a lot like them, like a guy.

I really don't want to explain myself to find justice but in a nutshell, I'm not that girly. Yes, sure, I know and like stuffs about make up and fashion, but it stops there. I don't really dress up or plan my outfit just to go to school. I don't really wear make up (I still wear it sometimes). I don't have a ladylike curve/figure. And, I wear glasses.

All these were never a problem until I move away from home. I did not expect people's view about girls is that twisted...

It was really annoying when people ask me why I wear glasses and lecture me about how uncomfortable it is to wear glasses. Told me to lose the glasses and wear contacts and whatever. Excuse me. It's not like I devote my life and try hard to wear glasses. I wear it because I have to, my eyesight is not healthy thus I wear glasses. And I'm still scared to wear contacts, but I will try hard because I really have to in a few months from now.

I have scars on my face from acne. It is annoying when people say why not cover it up with make up, why don't you want to wear make up, come here and I'll make your face up, and I will not let you get away with no make up to this event. I don't know why I don't want to cover my scars up with make up. I wear make up when I feel like it. And sometimes I just don't think I need to hide my scars. It's not like I spray blood from my face, anyway.

I have a wavy/curly/thick hair. And let me tell you, it is annoying when people told me to straightened my hair, "you look better with straight hair", "why don't you straightened your hair", "let me straightened your hair" and all the stuffs. No, you don't know how I looked like with straight hair. No, I  don't want you to straightened my hair and I do not want to do it myself. This is my hair, I like it natural, get over it.

I'm a medium size and you would not believe how annoyed I am when people start to compare figures, telling me that I'm so lucky I'm skinny, I have small this small that (while sometimes the person who said this are smaller than I am). Despite this, I eat a lot. And I don't appreciate when people starts telling me about how much fat/sugar/carbohydrate are in the food that I eat, keep asking "why do you eat that? It's so unhealthy" and then coming back to the first comment about body figure. I have been called anorexic for many times and you have no idea how much I wanted to throw a rack full of shoes.

And (probably) you don't know how much it hurts when you hear those comments from people you know, people you love, or even people whom you just met.

Enough of me rambling, the point is I do not see anything wrong with wearing glasses, having a wavy/curly hair or acne scars on my face. It was never a problem, why is it a problem now? Do you judge people from their size? From their outfit and make up? NO.

In the end, nobody is perfect. If anything, I am totally unfit in all the ways you could ever think of. I don't do sports anymore. The only thing I do now is walk or cycle to and fro campus. And IT IS OKAY to have imperfections because every single person in this world have at least one. IT IS OKAY to wear comfortable clothes or not to wear make up or glasses as long as you look presentable as a human being (not like wearing underwear outside and all that crap).

I don't like to be a standard for anything. As long as you are healthy, you feel good about yourself, you fulfil your needs, and you are not bothering other people, IT IS OKAY.
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