Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Oke sekarang gue lagi di sekolah. Dan lagi pelajaran. Tapi gue ga betah. Sama sekali ga betah. This post is going to be in Indonesia. BEWARE! This blog is suffering from a VERY BAD mood swing.

Sorry banget kalo menurut lo lo semua ini dosa tapi gue rasa gue butuh nulis ini entah kenapa. GUE UDAH MUAK SAMA SEKOLAH GUE. Serius. Rabis (rubbish) banget ni sekolah. Pertama-tama gue kesel sama sekolah yang cukup rasis entah kenapa. Karena gue kesannya ga pernah dianggep dan gue kesel banget digituin. Gue kesel sama orang P yang ada di kelas gue beberapa. Dia cowo dan dia BAWEL dan dia annoying karna dia nanya2 mulu bahkan yang ga penting terus ngomongnya sok sok pake aksen. Dia cerewet banget serius. Gue suka kesel sama dia. Dia suka nanya2 hal2 yang bener2 ga nyambung ato yang ga mungkin dilakuin sm orang2 yg ga ahli gimana gitu deh. Rese.

Dan gue kesel sm cowo2 K yg sering sekelas sm gue. Pada nyemok, ga pernah perhatiin plajaran, nyontek mulu, bikin mood gurunya ancur. Kesel. Ada yang anaknya misionaris tapi nyemok trus suka sok2 baek. Kesel gue muka lo dua. Suka sok2 nyanyi ga jelas basa korea ama inggris trus DANGDUT BANGET. Omdo pula. Bukannya gue ngatain ato gimana tapi gue cuman kesel. Trus ini skrg gue lagi kelas media ato komputer lah kalo disana. Mereka ada yg orang C juga, suka nyetel lagu dengan bahasa cangcingcurencong dari yutub KENCENG BANGET dan itu SUPER DUPER ANNOYING. Bahkan gue ga pernah suka denger lagu kaya gitu. Dangdut lo smua! (Oh, btw, sekarang pas gue nulis ini lagu2 begitu lagi diputer kenceng)

Gue keseeeeeeel banget! Ini sekolah bener2 ga punya aturan. Gue muak banget dikelilingin orang yang lagi pelajaran ngomongin ntar jumat mau nyemok apa dimana. Trus yang cewe2 bule pada ngegosip ato mainan alat make up. Dan bahkan mereka aja ga pernah merhatiin pelajarannya, ga ngerti2 trus nanya2 nuntut gurunya ngejelasin jadi buang2 waktu TAE LO. KESEL BANGET GUE. Gue disini mo belajar lo semua ngehambat gue buat belajar. SERIUS LAMA2 GUE KANGEN SAMA MARSUD.

Gue pengen sekolah di tempat yang punya aturan. Yang isinya orang2 yang mau belajar. Yang ngehargain orang lain. Yang mau ngebaur sama semua orang dan nerima orang apa adanya. Bahkan ada orang I juga yang ngehancurin hidup gue disini karena dia dengan tanpa alasan ga mau ngomong sama gue. NYAPA AJA ENGGA BAHKAN. Padahal dari awal gue ga pernah ngelakuin apa2 sama dia :(((((((((((((((


Saturday, February 20, 2010


(Burberry Spring/Summer 2010 Collection)

*I wonder where is Emma's left foot?*



Saturday, February 13, 2010

Straight Up

Currently reading: Girls to Total Goddesses (Zoe and Chloe series)

Next reading: Girls, Muddy, Moody yet Magnificent (Zoe and Chloe series)

Waiting List: Goodnight Mr. Tom and Wuthering Heights (recommended by Ms. Aida)

Thanks to Chinese New Year holiday-ish that Singapore celebrate! So, I have 6 days off and will be back to my home :)

And Valentine's day is just about to come as the Lunar New Year coming! They share the same day. How beautiful :)

14 February 2010 - Valentine's day in Indonesia! Well, I know maybe for some people it doesn't make any difference at all. I mean, when I said Valentine's Day, it's a 'Happy Valentine's Day from my heart I love you guys!' but for some people it can be different.

Some say, 'Happy Valentine's Day! -I love my crush' or 'Happy Valentine's Day. Well, I don't have boyfriend anyway'. It doesn't really matter. I know it will be much much more nicer if you have your boyfriend (or girlfriend) next to you and say sweet things for Vday. But yeah, just accept the condition that we don't have one. So just spread your love to every one you love (and the one who really needs yours-!!). Really needs chocolate from my hometown frieeends ;)

Andrew Garcia is such a great great super talented guy! Love him!


"I see your true colors. That's why I love you"
[True Colors - Phil Collins]

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Walking Disaster

currently watching: 52nd Annual Grammy Award - American Idol S9

I will be home in a while. I can't wait to see you smile :) I love you my families my brothers my sisters. I miss you[s].

I remember you wrote this and I still have the paper ♥♥

Special for Cristo: Get well very very soon. I know no basketball for two weeks is no fun at all. Haha. Anyway, get well very soon and I'm really sorry that I couldn't be there. You made me so worried with your message. Haha.

"Shout out your name so it echoes in every room, I would"
[For You I will - Teddy Geiger]
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